
How it works


Where we serve:

Areas of Latin America, including Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Columbia, and the Dominican Republic

Why we serve:

We believe there is a great need to bring redemption to humanity.  Through acts of service we can do more to ease the difficulties of inequality and circumstance that our Latin American neighbors are facing.  A little compassion can go a long way in making a powerful impact.

How we serve:

 We provide equipment through donations of gear, or financial contributions.  We connect the leagues with coaches and training that can provide strong leadership and Christ focused principles.


What we're focusing on:

Equipment. Plain and simple. Putting more equipment in the hands of young players wanting to play baseball.


How it Works:

Baseball Libre is dedicated to supporting youth baseball leagues within communities of Latin America.

In doing so, we hope to bring the opportunity to play baseball to more kids!

Running the bases:

First Base:

First Base:

Delivery of equipment

We collect gently used and donated equipment to distribute to youth baseball leagues within Latin America.

Second Base:

Second Base:

field restoration

With the help of local community members, and partners, we identify baseball fields in need. Then with the help of volunteers and donations we work to restore the fields into safe playing conditions.

Third Base:

Third Base:


We want to provide training to both current and prospective coaches. In turn, these individuals will go to the various leagues and help these young athletes become the best players they can be!

The home Run


Home plate

United, we play.

With equipment, safe clean fields, and good coaching we want to see teams playing together. Working together to play the best sport ever, baseball!